The Pyramids of the Cold Section 12 • The beating Heart of the Great Pyramid

Sema Tawy Unification of the Two Lands by Horus Seth Thoth Hapi Hapy Mummification Pharaoh Ancient Egypt Heart Love Symbol

Sema Tawy representing god of the Nile Hapy, by James Vincent:

"Relief of Horus and Seth. In this decoration showing the theme of the unification of the Two Lands ‘Sema Tawy’, Horus and Seth replaced Hapi, which was associated with the Nile god. Detail on the side of the throne of King Senusret I." at the Egypt Museum:


The Pyramids of the Cold v2 (May 2023) • Part B: the inclined well of the Great Pyramid

Section 12 • The beating Heart of the Pyramid

Great Pyramid of Egypt Pharaoh Khufu at Giza Gizeh First Ascending Passage Inclined Well 3

In summary: the way ancient Egyptians have represented, glorified and deified the  operation of the inclined well of the Great Pyramid, and the metaphors that have been used, really are mind blowing: not only the inclined well had been referred to a beating heart, but another metaphor had been added onto this first one, to associate this beating heart with love itself. Many metaphors about the operation of the Pyramid are about human physiology, and the "Love" metaphor is one of them, just like we've already seen with the "masturbatory hands of Atum" (the endless movement of the two parts of the Hauling beetle that are creating Atum himself: the small amount of pressurized water ejected from the well), this is the endless movement of the impactor Horus, in and out of the waters of the well, which had been associated with sexual intercourse; hence to Love making and Love itself.

Because of the heart shape in the Sema Tawy representations, it is precisely this very shape in which is originating the Heart symbol; but it is also about all these Heart and Love metaphors of the inclined well, that Cupid himself is shooting arrows in the Heart. Cupid really is about ancient Egyptian god Horus: Cupid really is about the inclined well's operation and the endless up (golden arrow: attraction) and down (lead arrow: repulsion) movement of the impactor.


Heart Symbol Origin Painted Goblet with Peepal Leaf Motif from Mundigak Afghanistan Musée Guimet

"Painted goblet, with peepal leaf motif, from Mundigak (Afghanistan), period IV, c. 2700 BC". Musée Guimet. Photograph by Zunkir:

The tree trunk and distinctive heart-shaped leaves of Ficus religiosa, at Schofield Barracks in central Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Text from Wikipedia, by Marshman:


12.01  The loss of knowledge of the Heart symbol's origin

Many theories are trying to explain the origin of the Heart symbol by its resemblance with the shape of ivy leaves, Silphium seed pod, breasts, buttocks or other parts of the human anatomy.

But it can't be that simple, because if it was, nothing would explain why the knowledge of the origin would have been lost over time, and on Valentine's Day, we wouldn't offer roses to the loved one but ivy leaves or Silphium seed pods.

If it was that simple, the real meaning of the heart symbol would have easily been transmitted from one generation to another.


Sema Tawy Unification of Two Lands by Horus Seth Thoth Hapi Hapy Mummification Pharaoh Ancient Egypt Heart Love Symbol

Human Heart and Circulatory System, Bryan Brandenburg: wiki/File:Human_Heart_and_Circulatory_System.png


12.02  The ancient Egyptian anatomical point of view of the inclined well functioning

What is striking about the above images that inspired Hindu mythology for the Churning of the Ocean representations, is that there is what looks like a perfect Heart symbol.

The fact is that if it looks like a Heart symbol, it is only because it really is the origin of the Heart symbol.

The Churning of the Ocean representations are the key to understand the ancient Egyptian initial version: the churning is about the pounding of the inclined well waters by the impactor. It is about the inclined well. Hindu mythology is looking at the well from the outside point of view, and they included the impactor, but the ancient Egyptians didn't: they looked at the well from an anatomical point of view.

Ancient Egyptians looked at the inclined well like it was a functioning living heart; a heart that was beating every 15 minutes; a heart that was ejecting about 200 liters of pressurized water towards the evaporative cooling passage of the Great Pyramid.


12.03  The inclined well functioning true origin of the Heart symbol

I may have written in previous posts (before "The Pyramids of the Cold"), that the Grand Gallery was seen as the heart of the Great Pyramid, because it was in the gallery where all the physical work was done: the Grand Gallery was the place of the so-called "Underworld sacred act of towing". The Grand Gallery was the "Hauling cavern of the Underworld".

But if I did, I was obviously wrong: the Heart of the Great Pyramid, as seen by ancient Egyptians themselves, was the inclined well. And that is the origin of the Heart symbol.

If the knowledge of the origin of the Heart symbol was lost somewhere in time, it is because the knowledge of what really was the Great Pyramid was lost in the first place.


12.04  The true nature of the ancient Egyptian Heart symbol look alike

I don't know what really is representing what looks like the heart symbol here, it could be as simple as 2 pouches of water that are just here so that the 2 characters could show they were pressurizing water with their feet, but it could also be a representation of a real important part of the well, I really don't know.


Heart Symbol Origin Great Pyramid of Khufu Giza Operation of the Beating Inclined Well


12.05  Was 42 the daily Heart rate of the Great Pyramid of Egypt?

We'll see in The Weighing of the Heart Section that when ancient Egyptians were talking about the Heart, they were referring to the heart of the Great Pyramid: the inclined well that functioned like a beating heart.

In the crucial Spell 125 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead it is mentioned that the deceased person has to make a Negative Confession: "The Negative Confession (also known as The Declaration of Innocence) is a list of 42 sins which the soul of the deceased can honestly say it has never committed when it stands in judgment in the afterlife."

Knowing that the whole Heart thing is about the inclined well, this number of 42 could be a very important data.

For some time know I evaluated the entire operating cycle duration of the Hauling beetle at something between 10 and 15 minutes, most of that time used to haul the impactor from its resting floating position in the well, up to the upper part of the Grand Gallery next to the top platform.

Let's say the entire team of the Grand Gallery was working 10 hours a day, from 8 am to 6 pm. With a 10 minutes cycle, it would have been possible for them to complete 60 cycles; and with a 15 minutes cycle that number comes down to 40 cycles.

It means that working 10 hours a day, the Hauling beetle could have been able to complete 42 complete cycles of a little less of 15 minutes each, assuming the Beetle was never stopped being operated and that the crewmembers would have been regularly relayed.

In short, 42 cycles could have been the daily objective of the Hauling beetle crewmembers.

42 could have been the daily Heart rate of the Great Pyramid of Egypt (highly hypothetical).


12.06  The creation of the myths about the inclined well

It is very hard to imagine what really looked like the pyramid when operated, but certainly as I've already discussed many times in posts previous to 'The Pyramids of the Cold', the Great Pyramid wouldn't have been completed; it would have pretty much looked like the lower part of the Bent Pyramid, and if this Bent Pyramid is precisely in 2 parts, it must certainly has to be related to that lower Great Pyramid part for cold production.

But if the impactor hit the waters of the well every 15 minutes and if the Grand Gallery was somehow close to be in midair, the sound of the whole thing would have been heard probably kilometers away.

Everybody in ancient Giza would have been able to hear it, 10 hours a day, every 15 minutes for months or even years. Residents of Giza would have heard it but also everybody coming to Giza from foreign countries : visitors, merchants, domestic and foreign dignitaries, etc.

Of course, the biggest impression would have been caused by the breaking of the Bes wedging block and the release of the Taweret block resulting in the tremendous shock with the Savior block (granite plug #2).

Everybody heard it, and everybody talked about it. This is how the inclined well inspired so many myths in the ancient World.


Ancient Egyptian Sema Tawy Horus and Seth Harpocrates Cupid Blinded Heart Cupidon

Horus and Seth Sema-Tawy relief, UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology:

A blindfolded, armed Cupid (1452/66) by Piero della Francesca:

Harpokrates-Cupid with Cornucopia JHAM 9027, at the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum in Baltimore, Maryland:


12.07  Amazingly, Cupid is directly related to ancient Egyptian god Horus (the impactor of the Great Pyramid)

"The Harpokrates-Cupid figure illustrates the Roman appropriation of certain aspects of Egyptian religion during the Republican and Imperial periods. In Roman religion, Harpokrates, the child of Horus and Isis, was conflated with Cupid while his mother was conflated with Venus. This representation shows Harpokrates-Cupid wearing the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt and lifting his finger to his lips, iconographic elements that recall his Egyptian origin.

His posture and plump child-like body resemble Roman depictions of Cupid. In the Egyptian tradition, Harpokrates’ raised finger was meant to convey the god’s youthful qualities. When this deity began to be worshipped by the Romans, his gesture was misinterpreted as symbolic of silence. The presence of Harpokrates-Cupid in the lararium would have solicited fertility and abundance within the household."

Harpokrates-Cupid figure, Accession Number: JHAM 9027. Text by Laura Hutchison, The Roman House at Johns Hopkins, Household Gods.


12.08  The intercourse metaphor is the reason why the Heart symbol has been associated with Love

We've already seen two metaphors about the inclined well functioning, but there is a third one that is most probably explaining the fact that the Heart symbol has been associated with love, passion and romance: the intercourse metaphor.

The endless pounding of the impactor into the waters of the well had associated it, and the curious shape that looks like a modern Heart as well, to the Love making.

Maybe this "sexual" vision of the impactor endlessly ramming into the inclined well waters wasn't conceived by the ones who designed this whole ancient Egyptian "religion", and people would simply had appropriated themselves the idea and made the Heart-like shape of the religious representations into the real Heart shape we know today.


Blind Folded Cupid with Golden and Lead Arrows Heart Love Mars Disarmed Jacques Louis David Venus Three Graces

"Mars Disarmed by Venus and the Three Graces", painting by Jacques-Louis David at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium:


12.09  Cupid's arrows are only about attraction and repulsion: two opposite ways of movement

Because Cupid is just another metaphoric representation of the operation of the impactor of the Great Pyramid, everything about him is about a particular point of the operation:

• the up and down movement of the impactor: the arrows represented in opposite directions in the painting, and their "attraction/repulsion" functioning

• the fact that the impactor was unseen from the outside (and with no eyes from the inside): the blind on Cupid's eyes

• the impactor aiming for the inclined well that functioned like a beating heart: the arrows pointed towards the heart of a person

"Cupid carries two kinds of arrows, or darts, one with a sharp golden point, and the other with a blunt tip of lead. A person wounded by the golden arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire, but the one struck by the lead feels aversion and desires only to flee. The use of these arrows is described by the Latin poet Ovid in the first book of his Metamorphoses. When Apollo taunts Cupid as the lesser archer, Cupid shoots him with the golden arrow, but strikes the object of his desire, the nymph Daphne, with the lead. Trapped by Apollo's unwanted advances, Daphne prays to her father, the river god Peneus, who turns her into a laurel, the tree sacred to Apollo. It is the first of several unsuccessful or tragic love affairs for Apollo."


Ancient Egyptian God of Creation Ptah Who Listen to Prayers Tibetan Prayer Wheel Mantra Craftsmen Architects

Statue of god Ptah, photographed by kairoinfo4u:

"Ptah, in the form of a mummified man (except for arms and face) standing on the symbol for Ma'at, holding a scepter or staff that bears the combined ankh-djed-was symbols" and drawing of the Creation god Ptah by Jeff Dahl:

Photograph from tomb KV 11 of Ramesses III, side chamber, image # 21076 by Matjaz Kacicnik, courtesy of ARCE, American Research Center in Egypt in partnership with the American University in Cairo Egyptology Department:


12.10  Ptah constantly referring to the Heart is the glorification of the Heart of the Pyramid: the inclined well

We've already seen many times that the inclined well was metaphorically represented into a functioning beating heart, so when creator god Ptah is constantly referring to the Heart, he is referring to the inclined well.

In the following excerpt, Ptah is being linked to some of the ancient Egyptian gods that are referring to the evaporative cooling process: Atum and Tefnut ('tf' meaning to spit).

"He created the universe by speaking words through his Tongue (linked to the god Thoth and the goddess Tefnut) and by thoughts coming from his Heart [...]. There came into being as the heart and there came into being as the tongue ... in the form of Atem (Atum)."


12.11  The creation of the myths about the inclined well

It is very hard to imagine what really looked like the pyramid when operated, but certainly as I've already discussed many times in posts previous to 'The Pyramids of the Cold', the Great Pyramid wouldn't have been completed; it would have pretty much looked like the lower part of the Bent Pyramid, and if this Bent Pyramid is precisely in 2 parts, it must certainly has to be related to that lower Great Pyramid part for cold production.

But if the impactor hit the waters of the well every 15 minutes and if the Grand Gallery was somehow close to be in midair, the sound of the whole thing would have been heard probably kilometers away.

Everybody in ancient Giza would have been able to hear it, 10 hours a day, every 15 minutes for most probably a period of 4 months (Section 20). Residents of Giza would have heard it but also everybody coming to Giza from foreign countries : visitors, merchants, domestic and foreign dignitaries, etc.

Of course, the biggest impression would have been caused by the breaking of the Bes wedging block and the release of the Taweret block resulting in the tremendous shock with the Savior block (granite plug #2).

Everybody heard it, and everybody talked about it. This is how the inclined well inspired so many myths in the ancient World.


Operating diagram of the Great Pyramid of Egypt with 14 Girdle Stones for Evaporative Cold Production and chemical manufactirung of Natron Solvay process June 23 2023

Diagram of the operating Great Pyramid of Egypt for evaporative cold production (hypothetically for chemical manufacturing cooling of pure sodium carbonate "natron", the salt used for the mummification of pharaohs). When in operation, the elevation of the Great Pyramid was not finished, and it is only after the shutdown procedure and the draining of the inclined well, that the 3 granite plugs were finally close to one another.



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The Pyramids of the Cold v2 by French Egyptologist Layman Bruno Coursol Beating Heart of the Operating Great Pyramid of Giza


The Pyramids of the Cold version 2 (May 2023 - May 2024)

Summary of the study and Table of Contents


Part A: The evaporative cooling process

Section 1 • The horizontal evaporative cooling passage layout

Section 2 • The Dendera Light and the creation of the fog of microdroplets by the fog nozzle

Section 3 • The water cycle glorifying metaphors: Geb, Shu, Nut, Tefnut

Section 4 • The theorization of the evaporative cooling process by Akhenaten and Nefertiti

Section 5 • The theorization of the evaporative cooling process in the Weighing of the Heart


Part B • The inclined well of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Section 6 • The inclined well layout and the girdle stones

Section 7 • The Taweret "Lady of the Well" temporary sealing granite plug of the well

Section 8 • The Bes temporary wedging block immobilizing Taweret

Section 9 • The draining of the well

Section 10 • The Great Serpent Apep and the snake water metaphors

Section 11 • The Was scepter and the control over "snakes"

Section 12 • The beating Heart of the Great Pyramid


Part C • The composite impactor of the Great Pyramid (Horus, Ra, Osiris, Medjed, Sobek...)

Section 13 • The wooden and stone composite design of the impactor: Ra and Osiris

Section 14 • The endlessly immersed Osiris stone and the seed metaphor

Section 15 • The Anubis sledge and the bobsled mask

Section 16 • The sledge runners of the impactor: Thoth

Section 17 • Medjed: the smiter nobody can ever see

Section 18 • The Apis bull and the ramming impactor's metaphors

Section 19 • The crocodile god Sobek impactor (more or less) floating in the waters of the well

Section 20 • The Obelisk and the Benben stone rising from water


Part D • The Grand Gallery's of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Section 21 • The Sacred "sloping paths" of the "oval-shaped cavern of the act of Hauling"

Section 22 • The central wooden caisson of the Gallery: Sekhmet and the Triad of Memphis

Section 23 • The hauling ropes of the Grand Gallery: Isis, Nephthys, Hatmehit, Wadjet and Nekhbet

Section 24 • The hauling Beetle and the Seven Scorpions of Isis

Section 25 • The Great Cow goddess Hathor and the operating cycle of the hauling Beetle

Section 26 • The 10 operating phases of the Grand Gallery

Section 27 • The guide to the Afterlife for the smart traveler and the canopic jars

Section 28 • The scarab amulet glorifications of the hauling Beetle


Part E • The very large and roughly finished sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid

Section 29 • The biosand filter sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid

Section 30 • The Elephantine Triad deification of the biosand filter of the Great Pyramid

Section 31 • The Great Pyramid's operating flat roof and the water supply issue


Part F • Chemical manufacturing and industrial cooling before the Great Pyramid

Section 32 • The Serdab and the "Refreshment of the Gods" Step Pyramid of Djoser

Section 33 • Sneferu's Red Pyramid and the accumulated ammonia

Section 34 • The Disc of Sabu and the Solvay process for pure natron manufacturing


Part G • The tremendous impact of the Great Pyramid on the whole ancient world

Section 35 • The hidden secrets of the Hermetica Emerald Tablet (around 1600 C.E.)

Section 36 • Thor and the magical Hammer in the Great Hall of Bilskirnir

Section 37 • The Churning of the waters of the Ocean of Milk (Hindu mythology)

Section 38 • The Tibetan prayer wheels and the Grand Gallery's operation

Section 39 and Conclusion • The cooling water of spitting Kebechet


Part H • Epilogue

Section 40 • The smiting Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments

Section 41 • The 293 kilograms windlass Staff of Moses and Aaron... and the First Plague of Egypt: water turning into blood

Section 42 • Ezekiel's Four Egyptian pulley "Wheels within the Wheels" and the four angel ropes

Section 43 • David, Saul, two giant Goliaths, five little stones, an aeolian harp... and a weaver's beam

Section 44 • The holy water fonts and the biosand filter


Part I • The magicians of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Section 45 • The Legend of Khufu and the "magician" polymath Imhotep

Section 46 • The two magical eyes of Isis and the brilliant but painful flame of her twin sister's braids

Section 47 • The Aegis Shield of Athena "Subduer of the Winds" and the upper hatch of the central wooden caisson

Section 48 • The Seven Magical Words spoken by 'Divine Sealer' Goddess of Arrows and Bronze Neith


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