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Great Pyramid of Giza Grand Gallery Ascending Passage Impactor Ra Osiris Horus Pharaoh Khufu Ancient Egypt King Kheops

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 13 • The impactor's wooden and stone composite design

Ancient Egyptian god Osiris, standing onto what he really is all about: the glorifying deification of the Osiris stone weight of the composite impactor of the Great Pyramid of Giza. ...Lire la suite
Germinating Bed of Osiris Ancient Egyptian God of Ressurection Afterlife and Agiculture Immersion

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 14 • The immersed Osiris stone and the seed metaphor

Statuette of Osiris at the Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Pyramids of the Cold v2 (May 2023) • Part C: the impactor of the Great Pyramid of Giza Section ...Lire la suite
Anubis Mask Ancient Egyptian God of the Dead War

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 15 • The Anubis sledge and the bobsled mask

The Pyramids of the Cold v2 (2023) • Part D: the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid Section 15 • Anubis and the bobsled mask Lire la suite
Ancient Egyptian God of Science Writing and Knowledge Thoth Ibis Baboon Head

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 16 • Thoth's Medes-blade runners and the writing metaphor

Polina Korobeynikova (Russia) at the 2012 Figure Skating World Championships; posted by Luu: Writing image: The Pyramids of the Cold v2 (2023) • Part D: the Grand Gallery ...Lire la suite
Medjed Ancient Egyptian God The Smiter Ghost Japan House Osiris Greenfield Papyrus

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 17 • The Smiter Medjed nobody can see

Medjed is an ancient Egyptian god mentioned in the Book of the Dead, who is described as the "Smiter" (le "Cogneur", le "Frappeur"). Because of his ghost-like portrayal in some ...Lire la suite
Great Pyramid of Giza Grand Gallery Apis Bull Champollion French Egyptologist Ancient Egyptian God 2

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 18 • The Apis bull and the ramming impactor's metaphors

"Poseidon" water coaster at Europa-Park, by Stefan Scheer: The Pyramids of the Cold v2 (May 2023) • Part C: the composite impactor of the Great Pyramid Section 18 • ...Lire la suite
Crocodile God Sobek Kom Ombo Temple Egypt Ram Horns Ancient Egyptian Religion

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 19 • The crocodile god Sobek impactor floating in the well

Saltwater Crocodile at Jardines de la Reina, Cuba. © David Keep: "Sobek, an ancient Egyptian crocodile god, often depicted with a crown composed of ram horns, a sun disk, ...Lire la suite
Egyptian Obelisk Rising Benben Stone Bennu Bird Sun God Ra Rebirth Cleopatra Needle Ancient Egypt

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 20 • The Obelisk and the Benben stone rising from water

Cleopatra’s Needle with Part of Alexandria taken from the North by “drawn on stone by from a sketch by Capt. Head.” Source: Eastern and Egyptian Scenery. 1833. Hathi Trust Digital ...Lire la suite
Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Khufu Giza Gizeh Ancient Egypt Central Gutter and Lateral Ramps

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 21 • The sacred 'sloping paths' of the 'cavern of Hauling'

Original image of the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Egypt at Giza, built by pharaoh Khufu, from page 52 of "The call of the stars; a popular introduction ...Lire la suite
Memphis Triad Sekhmet Lioness Great Cat Goddess Ramesses Ptah Bastet Nefertem Gods Ancient Egypt

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 22 • The central wooden caisson and the Memphis Triad

Memphis, literally "White Walls", was the first capital of Egypt following its unification by the pharaoh Menes. The people of Memphis believed that their god Ptah, at the heart of ...Lire la suite
Ancient Egyptian God Anubis Goddess Isis and Nephthys Twin Sisters Lamentations Protecting the deceased PharaohTheban Tomb 335

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 23 • Isis and the squeaky hauling ropes of the Gallery

Isis (left), and Nephthys (right) stand by as Anubis embalms the deceased, in the Theban Tomb 335 (Nakhtamun), thirteenth century BCE. Slightly edited image. Original image by ShillukinUSA: The ...Lire la suite
Theban Tomb TT60 Louxor Senet Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Theban Necropolis Ancient Egypt Antefoqer

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 24 • The Hauling Beetle and the Seven scorpions of Isis

Wall relief detail of the Theban Tomb TT60, located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. Image source: ...Lire la suite
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